a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

To begin (again)
2:55 a.m.

It occured to me, just a moment ago, that I should rescue that tie. Don shoes and a jacket and make my way to the trash in the alley outside my kitchen window and pluck from the frozen trash that hideous plaid monstrosity of a tie.

She lusted after the woman who taught her how to make a gentleman's noose from that lengthened piece of fabric, and I have thrown it away just like that.

Just as I have tossed her, not too gently, from my life. I feel cleansed, renewed, cold-hearted. Evil, perhaps. Celebratory.

It is odd, indeed, that of all the trash to be left behind by the collectors, that tie should find itself on the cold asphalt. A mockery to the easiness of disposing of a lover.

And so I begin again.

You owe reality nothing and the truth about your feelings everything. Richard Hugo from The Triggering Town

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