a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

11:14 p.m.

Reading Emily Dickinson intoxicated casts out rhythm and rhyme leaving substance like the meat of oranges.

The code breaks and meter becomes an oar in water stirring a lonely soul into the world's vastness.

A porch light steals and gives to the emotionally poor. Eyes.

My heart breaks with a kitten's mew, barely audible to the next-door neighbors.

And yet, I celebrate immortality with my goddess, though celebrate is hardly the term. Instead, I pause on elaborating--caught between dashes and monosyllabic endings.

I'd rather encrypt my sentiments than pour myself (out).

The eyes who have never read Shelley's Frankenstein read me as I read Dickinson intoxicated--without rhythm or rhyme--finally making sense of it, as a child could never do. Yet I feel childish writing of love again.

True love is selfless and breathes in night like questions asked, sincerely seeking (you) without privleges assumed.

Of all the souls that stand create--
I have elected--One--
When Sense from Spirit-files away--
And Subterfuge--is done--
When that which is--and that which was--
And this brief Drama in the flesh
Is shifted--like a Sand--
When Figures sow their royal Front--
And Mists--are carved away,
Behold the Atom--I preferred--
To all the lists of Clay!

Emily Dickinson #664

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