a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

and today...and today...
3:11 p.m.

There is sadness floating around me like pollen--dense and delicate.

I can't survive this.

A friend, an ex-girlfriend, a confidante from years ago sobbed last night into the phone from far away. I paced the length of my apartment, counting my steps, biting my lower lip, closing my eyes from her pain to see her face, her eyes weeping. There's nothing I can do.

And today...and today.

Nico. Are you reading this? I made you promise not to hurt yourself, but this isn't a child's game and promises aren't worth their weight in struggled-last-breaths. There is fear and there is anger and there is desolation flooding over me. There is nothing I can do.

And today...and today.

Is just another day of sadness.

This is too much.

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