a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

a dream uninterpreted
15 July 2004
4:17 p.m.

Last night I dreamt of making love with someone far from me--familiar but faceless.

In the dream, I had my own thoughts, my own feelings, but I played them out as an androgynous figure--lean and wiry.

We traveled together through fields of corn and sugar cane and arrived in a wood where we laid out a blanket. We rested, naked, on the blanket, which wasn't on the ground of a wood, after all, but on the floor in her room where our bodies shone from the reflection of the sun through the windows.

We caressed and kissed--our skins slippery with sweat. She laughed giddily as she guided me into her, and I penetrated the arch of her foot. We climaxed together, and as I withdrew from the arch of her foot, I was still ejaculating. She was laughing.

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