a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

the end of the weekend
8:59 p.m.

I wish I were there with you, lying in the bed with you, my arms around you, my cheek resting on your shoulder.

One day, you've promised, we won't have to say good-bye. That we'll have hours and days and weeks and years to never stop being.

It's strange that we should be so optimistic with one another.

It's strange that I should be so trustful of your words.

But then, what do I have left? I stay up through the nights, writing through life as if writing through it makes the living of it easier.

I write about love at five in the morning. I write about wanting to die at other hours of the night. I write about you in another format, in another caress.

I'm beginning to doubt if I know how to do this after all--this loving. Yes, I've had many lovers, but I've never trusted myself as a lover.

But you assure me, always, you assure me, except when I'm assuring you.

I am disheartened that the weekend's nearly over.

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