a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

*I Look Back
9:08 a.m.


Footsteps auto formatted to be
Capitalized on the white background
Bracketed by a typographic error
I guess I�m sick of my own life
So the writer writes
A different story
Earlier memories
Pre-memorized with the alphabet
Can you see me tonight?
If I promise to whisper?
Your hands smell like clay
Or a child�s play-do
Like the first person
On the bus sighing
To have a seat across town
Where they will meet if it�s the right
Cycle of the moon
Horses seeing-eye-dogs
In Chinatown
Where even the Big Mac
Speaks Cantonese or Mandarin
Or both
When did you learn to use chopsticks?
Two shrimp out to lunch
And a third
Speaks pig Latin in the deadpan calm.
Chanting for a heliocentric god
Where nothing�s left to chance
But words weighed down by day
So the writer writes
In footsteps auto formatted to walk

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