a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

In reverence of her hips.
2:13 p.m.

I keep thinking of her hips--how they feel when she's lying on top of me--bone sharp against my soft flesh. It takes determination not to shift my weight to shift her weight on top of me, but mostly it's that I desire her on top of me, that close, breast to breast, with her belly button ring stenciling faint patterns in carbon-copy lightness onto my skin. For hold-our-breath-minutes we stay that way, until she sighs or I sigh and our bodies become a mutual wave of life, and we shift simultaneously.

I've been obsessed with her hips--how their curve is as smooth as melted ice cream before it drips and puddles.

I've been imagining my hands sliding over her hips with the gentleness of a pianissimo movement.


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