a moment ~ gone by ~ in words ~scribbled

reacting to her poem
8:54 a.m.

My Warrior Self
(dedicated to A.J.H.)

I walk with your anger
tight against my breast
that finally I can feel rage
though it is your voice
that lifts it out of me.

With your anger, I am a warrior--
an Amazon with both breasts intact
enough to belive that your anger
makes my anger valid.

My anger sits tight behind my breasts
in a fetal position
on the strength of your syllables
defiant to the silence of my victim-self
still too young to mobalize words
against his organ-extended-evil.

I walk with your anger
tight against my breast
that finally I can feel rage
for my own person
against his person.

And my warrior-Amazon-self

A warrior does not feel fear.
A warrior does not stand voiceless against her enemy.
A warrior does not stand alone
both breasts intact against his story.
A warrior stands
strong enough to be both angry and afraid.

I walk with your anger
both breasts intact
that finally: I can feel rage.

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